Thursday, March 31, 2016

Echo of Soul - Blue Eyepatch

Dropped 150 gold on this eyepatch in celebration for making about ~3-400 gold today. Pimpin' that level cap! I got pretty salty when I got ganged up on doing a daily quest by someone (and their mate from another guild) I literally spared even as they passed me by with their HP dangerously low. Nerve of some people! I player kill when I have to player kill. And often get a whole guild's crew on my ass. I don't play games to feel more powerful and harass others for no reason. I've got nothing to compensate for in real life. Feeling small (in more ways than one) salty PKers? :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Feeling Alienated by Housemate and Roommate

I've been sharing a small two-floor townhouse apartment unit with two guys who I will refer to as Mr. Hacker and Mr. [Persistent] Gamer for the last 4 months who cannot be any more distant (well as far the closest people to me in college can be).

Mr. Hacker is a foreign student who can speak decent English and comes from a wealthy family. He first brought to my attention his interest in 'hacking' at the beginning of the year (he bought a Raspberry Pi and learned MySQL). He even did research on his own on white hat hacking as a potential career. Good for him, and I encouragingly told him that he'd go places if he kept that attitude up. Engaging in hobbies relevant to a career of choice. Mr. Hacker lives in the room across from the one I share with my roommate.

My roommate is Mr. [Persistent] Gamer who astounded me with the amount of time he invested gaming. Every waking hour. I'm not joking. Only occasionally have I ever seen him peering at his textbooks or slides. He spends most of his day in the downstairs study while I have a desk in our room. He's pretty chill... not that he looks out for us or goes out of his way to save us a seat and make our lives easier- he just doesn't give a shit half the time. When I asked to sample his snacks or borrow his cooking ware he says yeah sure without breaking his stare at his laptop. When I apologize for staying up late and keeping the lights in our room on, he's not concerned. But the opposite goes for his as well. He's woken me up on occasion by popping open our bathroom door (it airlocks every time it's shut so it emits a loud sound when it is reopened).

Despite their flaws, Mr. Hacker is probably the most nonchalant of the two. How many times have I walked into the kitchen to see that one side of the sink is piled to the top with dirty dishes. Yes, I have the other side of the sink, but he always leaves the food scraps to rot, curdle and turn to powder. This happened in the past week and I can't stand the stench of the kitchen. I think it has something to do with his upbringing. We once had a debate over the values we assign to friends and family. I could tell his parents really spoiled the guy, because he absolutely kisses their ass. Myself, I value my friends. Family is family, but without the few friends I've garnered in the last couple of years, I'd have nothing to live for.

I could go on about how half the foyer outside our rooms is covered in his luggage and his dozens of pairs of shoes, but I think I'll cut to the chase at this point: my housemate and roommate leave me out of everything. I don't really care, but it'd be nice if they'd at least invite me to pick up groceries with them every once in a while or work together on a project. We are all, after all, computer science majors.

Back track about a year ago. Mr. Hacker and I were walking down the streets of town looking for a place to stay in the following year. Freshmen are booted off the campus dorms after their first year. I came to know Mr. Hacker and later, Mr. Gamer through a friend I met during orientation. I still keep in touch with that friend. You see, Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer were his former roommates. None of them knew the others beforehand but the year ended in debacle for my friend... he was alienated by the two for reasons different than mine. For instance, my friend blew the entire year off on gaming, mostly on an extremely popular MOBA whose name I won't bother mentioning which substantially ruined his grades and his reputation with his roommates.

I struck an oppurtunity when I managed to hit it off with Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer. I had my own friends (and my own shitty effeminate roommate which I'd give anything to never live with again) but naturally, no one wanted me. I didn't ask Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer's roommate because he smoked weed and the last thing I needed was a drug bust.

So that afternoon, Mr. Hacker and I found the apartment complex which would end up being our residence for the present year. Now Mr. Gamer like me doesn't mind living economically so we decided to share a room. We pay less than half what Mr. Hacker pays for his who prefers living opulently and comfortably. He has backing from his family anyways.

So at the start of the year, the three of us went to explore the surrounding areas, mostly in search of grocery stores. When that was all said and done, we never had another outting together. Ever. I did my best to reach out to them. At the time, I regularly worked out and asked either of the two to join me. The answer was always no. I asked Mr. Gamer to try out a game I was playing at the time and it was never his type. I also always came up short on words to say to Mr. Hacker. I think the biggest problem between him and I is our disjoint speech patterns. I tend to speak in a mix-mash of slang and formal talk (and also idiomatically) so half of what I said probably flew over his head. He had a much easier time with Mr. Gamer who uses a lot of internet and game terms ('scrub' and a bunch of LoL terms). The funny thing is, Mr. Hacker sort of caved into his slacker side a few weeks into our first month living here and began playing LoL again which Mr. Gamer was happy to accompany. The hacker stuff? That was just a phase really.

Besides the occasional nod, I don't communicate much with Mr. Hacker. I talk a lot more with Mr. Gamer. I occasionally joke about him channeling his energy into creating a game for once. Lord knows where all those hours gaming could've better served him. I've even suggested he started streaming on Twitch. He's not really concerned about his grades because the government is paying his tuition and living costs. Go figures. Mr. Hacker's family is plenty wealthy and I'm sure all the classes he's failed in the last year barely put a dent on their fortune. I'm a straight A student because I can't afford to fail. I'm taking over 30 grand a year out of my parents' savings. We've even come up short on cash once. I had to pay for a month of rent on my own which I was not happy doing.

Today, I saw Mr. Hacker waiting in the living room. He seldom departs from his room which is probably his man cave for all things pornography and whatnot. I've stolen a peak at the crack of the door every once in the while when I have to ask to borrow his kitchenware. I didn't have the faintest idea what he was up to until I noticed the fridge was full several hours later. He was waiting for my roommate, Mr. Gamer to get off class so they could pick up groceries. And neither of the two informed me even though they have both my number and Facebook. Funny thing is, the only time they contact me is when they forget their keys and end up needing me to hitch up my ass and head down for them.

Also, Mr. Hacker has a tendency to ask when I'm coming back or what I'm doing. He also cracked a joke about one of my statuses though he didn't leave a comment. It's a bit... disturbing, if you ask me, but hell if I know how they do it in his country. You might consider these to be attempts at reaching out, but trust me, if he wanted to reach out, I'm sure it'd be a lot easier to drag me along for groceries or at least come out and exercise with me for once. We have a gym downstairs for Christ's sake!

In the end, it doesn't really matter anyways. I socialize on occasion with friends I made last year and even with my closer friends from back home on Skype. I just wonder why it all came to this even though I sought them out as housemates last year. I thought worse comes to worse, I'd have to live alone... but the alienation I'm feeling living with these guys? Yeah, I think I'd rather take my chances with the former.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fake 1TB Toshiba External HDD inbound?

So lately, I've been in the market for a new hard drive since I have quite a few files to take off of my gdrive.

I came across this listing here:

Link to original listing.

I immediately jumped the gun and bought it. But within minutes of really picking my way through the listing, I became extremely skeptical. First off, this isn't the first time I've come across a steal of a deal on an external hard drive. Incidentally, the first time it happened, the hard drive was a legitimate WD.

Now, we have this $29 Toshiba 1tb drive... I did a little bit of research on fake HDD and found this image which scared the shit out of me prompting me to cancel my order.

Look at this... how pathetic. The port is wired to a piece of flash memory, probably a 8gb that is masked to look like 1TB on a PC. Not to mention the weights? Wow, that is desperate! If these counterfeiters put as much energy into creating legitimate products as they do coming up with scams, they'd probably go places. But as you can see, this fake "WD Elements" drive has no platters or any conventional HDD innards at all. The manual looks legit. The trademarks are there too. It's the box that is a dead giveaway... from the chinese text to the sketchy looking barcodes.

Now let's go back to the eBay listing. Besides the obvious incorrect pictures, there are a few things that hint at a ploy. If you follow the link, you'll notice that parts of the description that aren't ripped off from manufacture descriptions have BROKEN ENGLISH. This again folks, is a dead giveaway. Also, notice that the delivery estimation runs upwards to 2 weeks. This is understandable seeing that the seller is shipping worldwide apparently, but at this point, I'm not even going to risk 2 weeks to see my hard drive. They'll probably drive up a good excuse for it. Texas based huh? I don't think so. A lot of counterfeit distributors will lie about their location. I've even been scammed out of money once on Amazon where the seller delayed as long as possible until other customers realized they'd been chiseled and started leaving negative feedback. Fortunately Amazon was good about getting my money back to me.

Now let's hope eBay does the same. I've canceled the order within 10 minutes but unfortunately I still have to "wait" to see if the seller can cancel at this time. I don't think they will try to take my money and ship me the drive, but you never know... the worse thing that can happen is me waiting for a product I know is fake to arrive then paying to have it shipped back. Of course, I'd put up a front with eBay and escalate the case first telling them that it is unethical to return a counterfeit and encourage the seller to redistribute it. I've had issues in the past however where the escalated case was stagnated due to the fact that the seller absolutely refused to budge unless I returned the product resulting in a small monetary loss, a headache and an absolute waste of time on my part and the seller? Scot-free and free to resell his counterfeits.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Maggot Baits OP Lyrics

VN: Maggot Baits
Dev: ClockUp

Music: Tomorrow Never Comes - DataScape

Shield my eyes, all I have is emptiness inside
Sands of time are running out, I'm feeling so confined
The future's not so clear, with every moment passing
Theres nothing left to fear, or so they say...

But I could FADE AWAY,
Tomorrow never comes, but that's okay,
If I could SEIZE the day,
I'll hold you in my arms and fade away...

Turn the glass, your future slips into my grasp,
Waste the day, is not an option I can take,
The path is now so clear, make every moment lasting,
There's nothing left to fear, or so you say...

But I could FADE AWAY,
Tomorrow never comes, but that's okay,
If I could SEIZE the day,
I'll hold you in my arms and fade away.

Let me know if any of the lyrics are wrong/out of place! Lyrics were written by ear.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Beat Assassin's Creed III... Finally

To say the least, it was a chore and I won't be buying any more AC titles. It wasn't all that bad, but the hype was not there. Now, I freaking love the Revolutionary War period in American history, but ACIII was just really underwhelming.

I took about 250+ give or take screenshots during my gameplay and thought I'd share them. They will be in two albums although out of order (for whatever reason). Feel free to use them for whatever you like so long as they are unmodified and you credit me in the caption.

I have a full albeit brief review of it on Steam. Look in the negative section.

Hate to admit it, but this shot was breathtaking. At the time, I still had high hopes for the game.

Albums are on Imgur:
Assassin's Creed III Part I

Assassin's Creed III - Part 2