Saturday, April 30, 2016

Thoughts on University Graduation Ceremonies

Well, I want to address grad ceremonies in general really.

What's the point?

I know. We all want to swell in pride up there as we are handed a superficial piece of paper that says we are qualified for adult careers as our folks watch on, teary eyed with job. We all want our 15 seconds of fame. But honestly, that's never appealed to me.

Since we got the 15 seconds of fame part out of the way, let's break down the ceremony. First, we need to pay for gowns and tassels and hats and bands and more bullshit on top of what we already paid the University for tuition. You'd think they could at least shell out $200 a head on gowns for students! Yeesh. For instance, I'm about $6K in debt after a year at the University with part of my expenses paid for by parents, and the rest by scholarships and state grants. I felt that 90% of the time, I worked my ass off for an A and walked away with nothing more than an elevated GPA.

Secondly, what about the several hour long ceremony? You have to buy tickets for guests. It doesn't amount to much, but why on earth would you want the system to milk you some more? This is my opinion, but I don't need any damn soul on earth to watch my passage into graduation. That's why if I ever decide to go back to school, I'd probably collect my degree and leave. I don't like being watched more because I don't see the point of shelling out for 15 seconds of fame to have your name yelled out. Time is money. I could do so much with the 3-4 hours spent on the ceremony.

Whatever. I just don't get people and their ceremonies. I especially don't get weddings and why people need the state to get involved with your relationship. Or relationshit. I don't even celebrate my birthday nowadays because every day I spend with my friends is a celebration. My birthdays don't even come close to those nights of debauchery.

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