I think my respect for anime has been on the decline over the last three years, so watching
Dakara Boku wa G ga Dekinai or
So, I Can't Play H in English was just the frosting on the cake. I'm going to say from the start of the review that I watched all of Episode 1 and am dropping it.
The story as it appear,s is one of those typical [insert idiotic male character] + [insert flimsy story line about shinigami (death gods)] + [insert sexualized high school girls to sell shitty series]. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate
ecchi, but decent ones are far and few between.
The main character, Ryosuke Kaga is a forgettable character with tendencies to think aloud. His father is dead, and his mother works abroad so he lives alone. He is also one of those typical high school pervert characters (Come on, do they really think every guy who watches this show is going to sympathize with that?) and coupled with his think-aloud personality if you could even go as far as to call it one, he manages to freak out girls at his school.
The only person tolerant of his scummy personality is the girl next door. Ryosuke is characterized as sensitive and caring as well, but immediately loses credibility with this scene when he bumps into a girl outside his house:
What a scumbag. |
The next couple scenes are as follows:
1. Lisara sucks some sort of energy from Kyosuke who falls unconscious.
2. Lisara takes a shower (Shower scene)
3. Kyosuke eventually comes to and Lisara reveals she is a shinigami.
4. Fight scene with a shittily designed blob monster.
Lisara goes fully nude in one scene and generates a scythe and a flashy outfit out of nowhere. Like we haven't seen that a million times already. Kypsuke makes a cheap shot at humor by complaining about how she's tearing up his house and that his mother hasn't paid off the mortgage yet.
This one of the many [insert ecchi here] scene, another cheap shot to sell the series. Kyosuke comes to Lisara's rescue after the blob monster gratuitously tears up her clothing and ends up with two handfuls of funbags. Talk about sexual gratuity though. It's like I'm watching a porno that just won't get to the point. Or how about an episode of
Jersey Shore?
Listen, I like my share of sex in anime as much as the next guy, but if I really wanted to get off, I think I'd just go watch a real hentai that doesn't pretend its some sort of innovative story about grim reaper girls, perverted high school boys and badass explosive fight scenes. Actually, this show doesn't think its one of those. It works off a
"working idea" according to the studio Feel idiots in the drawing room who decided to adapt the light novel or manga into an anime. I am still feeling animosity towards them for butchering the second season of
Oregairu one of my favorite underrated shows of all time.
At this point, I didn't really care how the fight wrapped up but in the wreckage of Kyosuke's house and in the rain, he and Lisara have a short confrontation. She explains to him that she was looking for some sort of one in a million genius who's energy she could take by making a contract with, blah blah blah. The best part was when Lisara reveals that Kyosuke is going to die in three months. Although he probably won't because the series will turn out to have that underlying "let's go and change fate" themes.
The only character I like was Caesar the German Shepherd the most pointless character in the show because I don't tend to see a lot of dogs in ecchi, but again its obvious he was just another frill to the author. I also find it stupid that he couldn't have been named after something easier to pronounce because Kypsuke's girl-next-door friend pronounces his name as "Kaiser."
In the end, I can't recommend this atrocity of a show called "So I Can't Play H" which is a pretty stupid sounding name, but surprisingly fitting for such a poor sellout of a show (1/10 for story, 1/10 for characters), but if you are into a tit-fest with no direction in the story (essentially, a porno with no real sex scenes) then fire away.
I was pretty scathing in my review because I actually considered that the artwork was decent (7/10). I was thinking this entire time, 'poor animators and artists with their below average salaries who put considerable work into such a shoddy show!'
I'm going to recommend a
good ecchi because the direction of the story is clean and to the point and sets up a conflict that is unique because it doesn't try to use working ideas as a stepping stone. Go watch
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu if you haven't already.
Black Hat