Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Airsoft Laws In California 2016 (Must Read!)

So I stumbled across this article on the new SB-199 bill that passed. I am well aware of the bill and its terms, but I liked the picture Popular Airsoft included since it depicts where coloring should be applied in compliance with the law well:

Now in the case of the rifle, you only need two of: stock, grip, magazine. The sample rifle in the picture show all three colored for reference.

A lot of people have been asking under which circumstances should you need to tape up your guns. It is the same as the circumstances in which you should keep the orange tip on: during transportation, sale and probably some public airsoft fields. In the privacy of your own home or in a private field (away from view from public space) taking off the tape should be fine.

These measures taken are inane at best but scores of idiots have managed to have run-in with law enforcement because they openly carry their gun in public areas. Bottom line is: please don't ruin it any more for the rest of us. Carry it in a case when traveling through public space and don't throw away the orange tips. Keeping a roll of fluorescent tape around has been added to that list.

Oh and I actually taped two of my airsoft guns up with homemade gold tape for sport (although they rarely leave the house and have never been used in public fields). Both have their orange tips intact (not shown in picture). They are rifles so taping the grip, trigger guard and girth of the magazines is sufficient.

       Left: Custom Black Ops M4 Cobra with nylon fiber rails and stock taken from a Gameface rifle.                              Right: unmodified Elite Force M4

Remember kids, play responsibly.

Kind Regards,
Black Hat

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