Saturday, April 30, 2016

Thoughts on University Graduation Ceremonies

Well, I want to address grad ceremonies in general really.

What's the point?

I know. We all want to swell in pride up there as we are handed a superficial piece of paper that says we are qualified for adult careers as our folks watch on, teary eyed with job. We all want our 15 seconds of fame. But honestly, that's never appealed to me.

Since we got the 15 seconds of fame part out of the way, let's break down the ceremony. First, we need to pay for gowns and tassels and hats and bands and more bullshit on top of what we already paid the University for tuition. You'd think they could at least shell out $200 a head on gowns for students! Yeesh. For instance, I'm about $6K in debt after a year at the University with part of my expenses paid for by parents, and the rest by scholarships and state grants. I felt that 90% of the time, I worked my ass off for an A and walked away with nothing more than an elevated GPA.

Secondly, what about the several hour long ceremony? You have to buy tickets for guests. It doesn't amount to much, but why on earth would you want the system to milk you some more? This is my opinion, but I don't need any damn soul on earth to watch my passage into graduation. That's why if I ever decide to go back to school, I'd probably collect my degree and leave. I don't like being watched more because I don't see the point of shelling out for 15 seconds of fame to have your name yelled out. Time is money. I could do so much with the 3-4 hours spent on the ceremony.

Whatever. I just don't get people and their ceremonies. I especially don't get weddings and why people need the state to get involved with your relationship. Or relationshit. I don't even celebrate my birthday nowadays because every day I spend with my friends is a celebration. My birthdays don't even come close to those nights of debauchery.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Last Straw with Passive Aggressive Housemates

I talked with my housemate (the wealthy religious hypocrite) the other day and told him we needed to clear the atmosphere on our issues with each other. I eventually learned that he honed no ill feelings towards me but considered himself anti-social like myself. For whatever reason, he didn't qualify his reasons for hanging out with my roommate more besides the fact that he's known him for longer and that my roommate "just doesn't care."

I brought up their former roommate who they shunned for the last two quarters of school last year (their former roommate, a friend of mine brought it to my attention when we went out for dinners sometimes and I was able to resolve part of the issue). My housemate said he had nothing to do with anything and that I was no comparable to him, which I guess is a good thing. The only problem, I pointed out is that while I don't need to grab groceries as often as they do, it would've been a nice gesture for them to invite me. The housemate admitted that he asked my roommate to go on a hike with him (with the roommate declining, he is what most would call a home gamer). Funny thing is, I would've been available and would've probably gone too. I've come to a conclusion that my housemate just doesn't think at all (he admitted that he had a short attention span which was the reason behind him taking so long to replace the tools of mine he'd broken).

In the end, he denied various things I suggested (Like understanding that despite having lived alone for a long time, one needs to be open and aware of their surroundings when living with people). He kept making excuses, things like "Well, that's how I am so deal with it." I wasn't too surprised (he's a religious hypocrite-nut who ate off a silver platter most his life) but wow, are his future housemates in for a surprise when they get a load of this guy.

So yeah, in the end, I could care less if they ask me out to grab groceries. But when I'm in the room and overhear my housemate asking my roommate if there was anything he wanted from the 7-11 downstairs without regarding me, it feels like he's honing some sort of grudge against me, because like I said, they've played passive aggressive towards a friend of mine before and it really crushed his spirits especially when he wanted to make things up to them and end the year as friends.

They're keeping the apartment for the next year and I'm moving out. I'm dropping out of school and staying out for better or for worse. The social experience was unimpressive, the academics a bore, and lasting impressions poor at best. I don't wish them the best of luck, but I'm not going to wish them misery either. I just plan on parting ways as strangers and will discontinue any communication with them afterwards. I've always had a hard time making friends as both the outgoing persuasion and my usual loner persona. My problem? Maybe. I'm a hard ass and I don't yuck things up. I'd rather punch my friends in the face if I think they're being shitbags. But that's besides the point. I'm glad I can see reality in black and white and can choose my real friends accordingly. These guys aren't my real friends nor will they ever be. But 50 miles away in my hometown where where I spent the last years of my childhood, my three closest friends are waiting.

In my next blog post, I'll turn up the mood a bit by talking about the good connections I've made in college.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Rude Residents trash my Laundry --- You CAN'T rely on Cops nowadays...

So I walked into the laundromat in my apartment complex on the 4th floor today... and found that my laundry inside the dryer had disappeared and was replaced with someone else's. A girl pointed me in the way of a pile nearby and asked if it was mine. It was. I gathered up my things and left. There was a guy standing outside with an empty basket, so I assume he was waiting for his laundry to come out OR he had just deposited it in my dryer... but since this is all speculation, it's entirely possible the culprit could've been someone else other than the girl and the large guy at the door.

Now, there's a camera in the door, but I KNOW contacting the apartment's admin won't be diddly-shit. Because something similar happened to me another time (someone opened up the door on my dryer, let the time run out and when I got to it, my clothes were still damp. The office told me contact the police which I did and the lady at the other end basically told me to come up with evidence or fuck off). So there are cameras everyone and no one is able to check the footage basically. Someone could've been stabbed up there and there would've been nothing the cops could've done. Well done, officers, well done.

On a serious note, WHY couldn't the resident just have gone to any of the other 7 laundromats? There are 7 floors at my apartment complex and each has its own. The only reason why I came up to the 4th (I live on the 3rd) is because all machines were occupied. And the first thing I decide to do is move on, burn those extra calories to use the one on the floor above or below RATHER than trash someone else's load and put my own in. Some people need to be patient. I was probably 5 or 10 minutes late because I was cooking, but by no means should you have to throw people's shit out of the dryer in 5 or 10 minutes! PLUS THERE'S AT LEAST ONE OPEN DRYER ON ONE OF THE 6 OTHER FLOORS.

People are idiots. I myself have never taken someone's laundry out although I've come across idiotic residences who leave their laundry in the machines 5-6 hours after they started. Must've gone off to class or their sororities or some shit and forgotten. Dumb fucks. I was tempted, but wouldn't be caught dead moving some kick's lingerie out of the dryer. The cops would cuff me in an instance. Ridiculous. I'm just glad my lease is ending in the next two months and I'll be home free to live with my parents for a while before moving into my friend's new unit a few blocks away.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Why Do You Let Your Wives get Lazy? [Grocery Store Edition]

I was out grabbing some groceries and in the line, saw your typical heterosexual couple and their daughters. The man had their youngest in a stroller, the eldest daughter was perusing the candies and the mother... she was sitting her ass on one of those motorized handicap carts.

The first thing I noticed was that she was considerably young. She might be in her late mid to late twenties. She wasn't exactly overweight, but wasn't exactly fit. She had just the amount of chubbiness to still be attractive. So the entire time, I couldn't help but wonder if she really should be in one of those things when a real disabled person could come in any minute only to be left waiting on one.

Well, she told her husband who was extremely subservient and quiet to load up the bags on the conveyor belt from her cart and he abided. When her eldest daughter asked if she was allowed to buy one of the candy bars, she considered for a moment before lazily throwing that onto the conveyor belt.

So at the very end of the line, not surprisingly, she rises from her cart and proceeds to stuff the grocery on her own two feet! I watched as she sat back down into the cart while her husband carried all the goods and parked it into the lane where the rests of the motorized carts were and get right back up.

Men... why do you let your wives get lazy? Why do you always have to step in and do simple human tasks for her that she is fit to do herself? She didn't look too bad, but give it a few years. When she reaches her thirties, she'll sit her ass on the couch all day and will refuse sex. Not that you'd want sex. She's had evolved into a hideous creature by then.

My abhorrence with marriage is the countless horror stories that have arisen about it over the years. I recently read one on the MGTOW forums of a wife who wrote erotic novels with her daughters' names in them and cheated behind her husband's backs. Not to mention the fact that she sits her ass at home all day while her man rakes in the dough.

I'm completely disgusted by what I witnessed. I wish those men would stop being manginas and pull your wives to their damned feet and tell them to pull their own weight. Trading yourself to be a fat ugly slug's slave in exchange for progeny is not worth it.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Am fully convinced I live with stupid people

I think back to the start of the year where I had to call my housemate out on the garbage disposal he destroyed with his vegetables cuttings and rice (which were on the list of things you should NOT put down the drain listed on the move-on packet which of course, he declined to read) and told him to call in a work order already for chrissakes. It was just an angry outburst I made one day when he was just lolling around with my roommate in the living room chewing the fat while I was forced to wash my dishes with his dishes piled up on the unclogged side of the sink. 

Yes, it took an angry outburst to finally get him to do the job. I could've reminded him again and again, and he wouldn't have budged (I will substantiate this claim with an example of something that happens later). The two (housemate and roommate) were shocked (Oh, did I ruin the sanctity of your peace and ignorance? I did, didn't I?) and I questioned my roommate on why he wouldn't tell him to move his ass already. Being that the two were closer (they roomed together the year before) he said that it "didn't bother him." 

Ignoring the problem is NOT a solution. At that point, I was really convinced that my roommate was an ignorant fool. He doesn't know some of the simplest, re searchable answers out there (How about the basic components of a computer? You are after all, a computer science major. And yet, you can't name a single component?). And it's because he just doesn't care. Much like my roommate from last year who doesn't give a shit. Waking me up in the middle of the night with drunken outbursts when I had 4 classes to take the day after out of complete lack of respect. 

Anyone whose reason for not fixing a problem right under his nose is an idiot. 

On the part of my housemate, he's a religious guy from a wealthy family and I've had debates with him a couple times in the past and for one, he doesn't believe humans are animals and thus, his disbelief basically counters my argument that homosexuality in the animal kingdom is actually quite common and seeing that humans are animals too, homosexuality is natural. I just don't understand how he lives, hypocritically (he gets offended when you call him out on his religion's flaws and yet he violates simple principles like stealing, adultery, etc.). All I can say is, if you can't even follow the rules of your own game, then don't fucking play it. That simple, stupid. Your complete ignorance for evolutionary and biological facts follows because you think you are religious and better than non-religious folk around you. Wake up, stupid. You're an ape like the rest of us.

And the stupidest, most ignorant comment he's ever made was "I'm not that kind of engineer" when I said he should use his head, as an engineer, to get problems fixed. 

It AMAZES me that Universities continue to doll out degrees to dumb folk like this. It amazes me that society lets him get ahead with a degree when all he's doing is reciting what the books tell him. It amazes me that people still choose their career choices based on the financial turn outs.

And that's the story of the idiotic and ignorant people I live with.

The pain will be over soon. All I can say is, I'm leaving school soon (which, by the way, is filled with idiots and phonies).

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Real Conversation Buzz-Killer (Mexi-Mountain Dew)

I struck up a conversation with my roommate when I saw a box of "Mexi-Mountain Dew" (which I like to refer to as the cane sugar over high fructose corn syrup versions of soft drinks south of the US-Mexico border). He said it wasn't his and I pursued the conversation by asking whether he thought it tasted different from the "actual thing" or not and man, was this guy hard to get through to. He was staring dead-eyed at reddit and mumbled things like "What are you talking about? It's the same thing. Just with an old fashioned cover."

I verified that it was Mexi-Mountain Dew when I read over the ingredients... no high fructose corn syrup. But my so-called roommate just exasperatedly replied "What's the difference anyway?" to which I replied, you don't know the difference between cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup? I even poked fun at all the reading he was doing on the net (because this wasn't the first time he didn't know common, researchable knowledge.... mind you, I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just trying to be over-friendly as I do with people I consider close).

Well, nothing doing, I heated dinner and went upstairs. He's not anti-social because I can hear him guffawing his throat out when he's playing League with friends (or my housemate who has also been somewhat cold-shouldering me) but eh, I did walk in today to find my roommate still sleeping at 4 in the afternoon so a number of things could've been awry for him today.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

This "Life Moves On" Attitude is going to be the end of us all.

Lately I got in an argument with a close friend and he uttered the words I dreaded to hear: "Yeah, well, I'm just the kind of guy who moves on, y'know."

Every time I look on my generation, I have to rest my face in my hands for a second. One of the major flaws we carry is precisely this life-moves-on-and-so-do-I attitude when dealing with everything. Every other generation might sit on the hem of this attitude, but mine? Everyone seems to just have it hard-coded in there head.

I invited my friend about a week ago to a Virtual Reality meet-up I already RSVP'd to and told him to do the same. I figured he liked video games, why not take him along? Only problem was, I needed a ride. I guess it was a disaster just waiting to happen. He gave me an ambiguous answer ("Yeah, I'll see") and never replied to any text or FB messages I sent throughout the week (I could tell that he read my messages, he just didn't bother responding).

The day of, he finally called me and apologized. I had to call him out on it. He said he went off to hang out with friends. Then he changed the story to group study. I told him I'd rather he didn't apologize. I'd rather he told me to go fuck myself and jump off a bridge rather than keep me in the dark about whether he was going to pick me up or not. Then he uttered those unforgivable words. Famous last words uttered by my idiotic roommate last year after he'd come back drunk and thrown up all over our small cubicle sized room and told me "life moves on" when I told him to learn a goddamn lesson and stop fucking up over and over again.

I told my ditcher-of-a-friend that I had a hard time believing he could flake on me like that without even giving me a heads up. You don't just forget things and turn your back on a friend. At one point, I was even considering leaving all my valuables and spare cash with him if I had to make a run for it and come back for it later, but now, it looks like he would've sold off all my goods and spent the spare cash on his childish trading cards and told me that "he'd forgotten" about me and how "life moves on."

It infuriates me that a best friend, someone you should be able to lean on would do something like this. He's ditched other times, but with prior notice. The drop that really broke the damn for me was the fact that he's fucked up multiple times before and shrugged off valuable advice I'd given him ("Hey man, if you really want to do X as a career, then you need to start preparing by doing X. Post your work on Facebook and I'll critique for you since I am an X enthusiast.").

You might ask me to find better friends. Yeah, well, I can count all my real friends with one hand. The rest are lice. Phonies. Sheep. Buddy-fuckers. Do I really need to tally down on one more friend?

This "Life Moves On" nonchalant attitude is seriously going to be the end of us. It's a gross misinterpretation of what Life Moves On should really entail... We move on when we're held back in an unhealthy way. But everyone tries to apply it to every aspect of life. No more do we care to learn a lesson from our carelessness and mistakes. Because it's okay. Society will pardon you for throwing up all over your roommate and yours' shared room (not to mention the underage drinking) and even forgive you for screwing over friends for other friends.

I abhor in this attitude and am disgusted by the way my friend handled the situation and just blew off my whole telling off. He even ended the conversation by telling me that he had another call coming in. No decency to even make things right (I told him I didn't want his apology anyways. I told him he should've just told me he wasn't coming for me. I told him he jut never learns sometimes. I didn't tell him why his father always complains about him or why he always gets yelled at at our part-time job. Why he always needs to be babysat at two-decades young).

In the end, I can let it go because it's not healthy for me to bear grudges. But I doubt I'll ever rely on him for anything again. I think he doesn't see in me what I see in him and my other friends. I treat them like brothers and I give them free handouts and always have their backs and even slug 'em in the face if they're acting irrational. This guy... he's no brother of mine. He sees us as playthings. Like children see their friends not as their lifelong wolf pack but as playthings.

Life moves on. Fuck it.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Improving Your Social Skills? Not a Chance.

Lately, I come to the conclusion that there is no improving one's social skills after a certain age, just like one does not naturally grow taller after entering adulthood. From personal experience and from viewing my peers, I really don't see a person who is intrinsically social reduced to a recluse and vice versa by willpower alone.

Let me use me as an example. Mine is a case by case issue. In high school for instance, I was timid and reluctant to contribute to discussions in classes where my knowledge of the subject was average or below (Chemistry, foreign language classes) with some cases of shyness more severe than others, as with classes where I felt isolated and lonely because everyone else knew who their friends were.

In classes where my knowledge was average or beyond (math classes, AP English in my Senior year, music), I fared far better with socialization.

In the case of math classes, I knew no one, but felt obliged to answer the instructor's questions because no one else was, not because I liked hearing the sound of my own voice. To say the least, I think I was able to at least spur on discussion from other students, although I seldom befriended anyone (the only exception being Calculus in my senior year where I befriended almost half a dozen individuals. The fact that I had a best friend in the class was not relevant because he made his own friend which ultimately led to the demise of our friendship).

I was still very timid in English class for the better of the year, but felt encouraged because I always had something funny or clever to the crack the few times I did speak over the year (and a kick-ass presentation that elicited plenty of laughter and smiles and perked up ears on Dan Brown's works) and a willing audience to give me positive feedback.

In orchestra, I began as a nobody and rose as a classmate who got along with everyone in the class including the conductor herself. I made about a dozen close connections that year (all of which would eventually fray following the rest of high school). Ultimately, building my rep and receiving appreciation by the entire class stoked my confidence although there was always a part of me that was afraid to screw up in front of everyone.

Everyone around that did a lot of talking in class... well, they went on about it. It would come in different volumes in different classes but ultimately, I didn't sense any bit of shyness crop up in them. I did however feel their aura of confidence. In the end, it made me feel as though the multitudes around me were more confident and even more academically accomplished than I was although I realize now that it was an illusions. Sometimes, I had the answer at the tip of my tongue, but felt disinclined to speak it.

In my adult life, this is drastically affecting me and my career choices. For one, I find a clerk or cashier job almost intolerable (unless of course I'm working in a GameStop or in the computer department at Best Buy). I find the sheer amount of talking I'd have to do in a work day head-throbbing. I'd also hate to have to hash several forms of greetings the day before.

And there's still this unshakeable feeling of aversion to group activities with people I don't know. Sleeping in a cabin with fellow students whose names I didn't even know during a field trip in elementary school. Grouping up with a bunch of upperclassmen for a PE activity in middle school because no one else wanted me. Going to a dance in high school. Celebrating a dorm member's drinking party in high school. It all felt... so uncomfortable. It's like I can't see past this barrier that's telling me to avoid group activities altogether.

I don't have this problem when I'm with my friends or when I'm working closely with students at my part-time job at an art studio. But every other interaction just gives me a strange, tight-gutted reaction. I recently talked to a girl who I was only loosely associated with back in high school and in between the small talk caught up with each other on our schools and what we were planning on doing for the week. I spoke with confidence and a smile to boot while my other friend kept cracking bad jokes and degrading himself (he's socially awkward, but doesn't realize it). Nonetheless, I was trying pretty hard not to lose my train of thought, not to make my voice crack and to keep my gut from flopping, and this was just some girl I was loosely associated with.

I tended to have this problem even in a class with an upperclassmen instructor (male, might I add) who I thought was alright and a great conversation partner, only to feel hollow and distant on the inside as the interaction went on. I'm even having these issues with my current housemate.

I don't know why, but hundreds and hundreds of interactions later have done little to change my high school social habits. Sure, it might be too early in the game to know, but I know for a fact that no matter how much I have to fake loving socialization, I will always, always fall back on my reclusiveness. I can adapt to a situation by telling myself that I don't give a damn about so and so strangers I'm meeting up with and that I won't ever have to interact with them again. But I don't think I could ever adopt a genuine inclination to socializing.

I'm also pretty standoffish about certain so-called momentous events like marriage. Just the thought of having to get up in front of my family (which I haven't been particularly proud of) and her family and have to give a whole speech and then make-up is distasteful. It's so... uncomfortable. I'm not so much afraid to get up there as I simply find it pointless. Fortunately, in this day and age, tying the knot really isn't necessary for a life lone commitment, but lets be honest, what girl would marry a man who won't propose? I've already crossed off marriage as something that I will never partake in.

And so I wonder how this will affect me in the long run. I'm not particularly good with performances like recitals or interviews. I get jittery, my hands gets clammy and I don't think I'm afraid... because there's nothing life threatening about it... I just hate to be watched and judged. Maybe that's why I hate socialization. Because I read into the probing eyes and ambiguous whispers too much. I might need to add that I'm a glass half-empty kind of guy mot of the time and that doesn't help.

So if I feel like I'm under the scrutiny of a world that just wants to pick out my flaws, what can I do? It's hard to change my psyche, one that has been chiseled in deep by years of abysmal humiliation, broken self-esteem and loneliness. I know I have an integral social side though. I experience it when I'm with my close friends. With my sibling. With students at that art studio job I love so much. I can only hope to carry it over to my other interactions, but I really think that keeping the two spheres separate is what makes the former so endearing to me. The people I can interact with, I keep not a notch, but a million notches above the rest of the world. I think my only chances in socializing with the rest of the world is by distancing myself emotionally from them. By deceiving myself by telling myself that people won't laugh at me or think badly of me.

But that kind of deception is one that I liken to crossing paths with a hooded man in the late hours past midnight in a city with an astronomical crime index and telling myself that he's just a normal guy like me taking a stroll and that he means no ill will. I have a long and tough journey ahead. I know that I can't change my social habits for the better, but I can put the ones I've developed to good use. I just need to learn how.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Echo of Soul - Blue Eyepatch

Dropped 150 gold on this eyepatch in celebration for making about ~3-400 gold today. Pimpin' that level cap! I got pretty salty when I got ganged up on doing a daily quest by someone (and their mate from another guild) I literally spared even as they passed me by with their HP dangerously low. Nerve of some people! I player kill when I have to player kill. And often get a whole guild's crew on my ass. I don't play games to feel more powerful and harass others for no reason. I've got nothing to compensate for in real life. Feeling small (in more ways than one) salty PKers? :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Feeling Alienated by Housemate and Roommate

I've been sharing a small two-floor townhouse apartment unit with two guys who I will refer to as Mr. Hacker and Mr. [Persistent] Gamer for the last 4 months who cannot be any more distant (well as far the closest people to me in college can be).

Mr. Hacker is a foreign student who can speak decent English and comes from a wealthy family. He first brought to my attention his interest in 'hacking' at the beginning of the year (he bought a Raspberry Pi and learned MySQL). He even did research on his own on white hat hacking as a potential career. Good for him, and I encouragingly told him that he'd go places if he kept that attitude up. Engaging in hobbies relevant to a career of choice. Mr. Hacker lives in the room across from the one I share with my roommate.

My roommate is Mr. [Persistent] Gamer who astounded me with the amount of time he invested gaming. Every waking hour. I'm not joking. Only occasionally have I ever seen him peering at his textbooks or slides. He spends most of his day in the downstairs study while I have a desk in our room. He's pretty chill... not that he looks out for us or goes out of his way to save us a seat and make our lives easier- he just doesn't give a shit half the time. When I asked to sample his snacks or borrow his cooking ware he says yeah sure without breaking his stare at his laptop. When I apologize for staying up late and keeping the lights in our room on, he's not concerned. But the opposite goes for his as well. He's woken me up on occasion by popping open our bathroom door (it airlocks every time it's shut so it emits a loud sound when it is reopened).

Despite their flaws, Mr. Hacker is probably the most nonchalant of the two. How many times have I walked into the kitchen to see that one side of the sink is piled to the top with dirty dishes. Yes, I have the other side of the sink, but he always leaves the food scraps to rot, curdle and turn to powder. This happened in the past week and I can't stand the stench of the kitchen. I think it has something to do with his upbringing. We once had a debate over the values we assign to friends and family. I could tell his parents really spoiled the guy, because he absolutely kisses their ass. Myself, I value my friends. Family is family, but without the few friends I've garnered in the last couple of years, I'd have nothing to live for.

I could go on about how half the foyer outside our rooms is covered in his luggage and his dozens of pairs of shoes, but I think I'll cut to the chase at this point: my housemate and roommate leave me out of everything. I don't really care, but it'd be nice if they'd at least invite me to pick up groceries with them every once in a while or work together on a project. We are all, after all, computer science majors.

Back track about a year ago. Mr. Hacker and I were walking down the streets of town looking for a place to stay in the following year. Freshmen are booted off the campus dorms after their first year. I came to know Mr. Hacker and later, Mr. Gamer through a friend I met during orientation. I still keep in touch with that friend. You see, Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer were his former roommates. None of them knew the others beforehand but the year ended in debacle for my friend... he was alienated by the two for reasons different than mine. For instance, my friend blew the entire year off on gaming, mostly on an extremely popular MOBA whose name I won't bother mentioning which substantially ruined his grades and his reputation with his roommates.

I struck an oppurtunity when I managed to hit it off with Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer. I had my own friends (and my own shitty effeminate roommate which I'd give anything to never live with again) but naturally, no one wanted me. I didn't ask Mr. Hacker and Mr. Gamer's roommate because he smoked weed and the last thing I needed was a drug bust.

So that afternoon, Mr. Hacker and I found the apartment complex which would end up being our residence for the present year. Now Mr. Gamer like me doesn't mind living economically so we decided to share a room. We pay less than half what Mr. Hacker pays for his who prefers living opulently and comfortably. He has backing from his family anyways.

So at the start of the year, the three of us went to explore the surrounding areas, mostly in search of grocery stores. When that was all said and done, we never had another outting together. Ever. I did my best to reach out to them. At the time, I regularly worked out and asked either of the two to join me. The answer was always no. I asked Mr. Gamer to try out a game I was playing at the time and it was never his type. I also always came up short on words to say to Mr. Hacker. I think the biggest problem between him and I is our disjoint speech patterns. I tend to speak in a mix-mash of slang and formal talk (and also idiomatically) so half of what I said probably flew over his head. He had a much easier time with Mr. Gamer who uses a lot of internet and game terms ('scrub' and a bunch of LoL terms). The funny thing is, Mr. Hacker sort of caved into his slacker side a few weeks into our first month living here and began playing LoL again which Mr. Gamer was happy to accompany. The hacker stuff? That was just a phase really.

Besides the occasional nod, I don't communicate much with Mr. Hacker. I talk a lot more with Mr. Gamer. I occasionally joke about him channeling his energy into creating a game for once. Lord knows where all those hours gaming could've better served him. I've even suggested he started streaming on Twitch. He's not really concerned about his grades because the government is paying his tuition and living costs. Go figures. Mr. Hacker's family is plenty wealthy and I'm sure all the classes he's failed in the last year barely put a dent on their fortune. I'm a straight A student because I can't afford to fail. I'm taking over 30 grand a year out of my parents' savings. We've even come up short on cash once. I had to pay for a month of rent on my own which I was not happy doing.

Today, I saw Mr. Hacker waiting in the living room. He seldom departs from his room which is probably his man cave for all things pornography and whatnot. I've stolen a peak at the crack of the door every once in the while when I have to ask to borrow his kitchenware. I didn't have the faintest idea what he was up to until I noticed the fridge was full several hours later. He was waiting for my roommate, Mr. Gamer to get off class so they could pick up groceries. And neither of the two informed me even though they have both my number and Facebook. Funny thing is, the only time they contact me is when they forget their keys and end up needing me to hitch up my ass and head down for them.

Also, Mr. Hacker has a tendency to ask when I'm coming back or what I'm doing. He also cracked a joke about one of my statuses though he didn't leave a comment. It's a bit... disturbing, if you ask me, but hell if I know how they do it in his country. You might consider these to be attempts at reaching out, but trust me, if he wanted to reach out, I'm sure it'd be a lot easier to drag me along for groceries or at least come out and exercise with me for once. We have a gym downstairs for Christ's sake!

In the end, it doesn't really matter anyways. I socialize on occasion with friends I made last year and even with my closer friends from back home on Skype. I just wonder why it all came to this even though I sought them out as housemates last year. I thought worse comes to worse, I'd have to live alone... but the alienation I'm feeling living with these guys? Yeah, I think I'd rather take my chances with the former.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fake 1TB Toshiba External HDD inbound?

So lately, I've been in the market for a new hard drive since I have quite a few files to take off of my gdrive.

I came across this listing here:

Link to original listing.

I immediately jumped the gun and bought it. But within minutes of really picking my way through the listing, I became extremely skeptical. First off, this isn't the first time I've come across a steal of a deal on an external hard drive. Incidentally, the first time it happened, the hard drive was a legitimate WD.

Now, we have this $29 Toshiba 1tb drive... I did a little bit of research on fake HDD and found this image which scared the shit out of me prompting me to cancel my order.

Look at this... how pathetic. The port is wired to a piece of flash memory, probably a 8gb that is masked to look like 1TB on a PC. Not to mention the weights? Wow, that is desperate! If these counterfeiters put as much energy into creating legitimate products as they do coming up with scams, they'd probably go places. But as you can see, this fake "WD Elements" drive has no platters or any conventional HDD innards at all. The manual looks legit. The trademarks are there too. It's the box that is a dead giveaway... from the chinese text to the sketchy looking barcodes.

Now let's go back to the eBay listing. Besides the obvious incorrect pictures, there are a few things that hint at a ploy. If you follow the link, you'll notice that parts of the description that aren't ripped off from manufacture descriptions have BROKEN ENGLISH. This again folks, is a dead giveaway. Also, notice that the delivery estimation runs upwards to 2 weeks. This is understandable seeing that the seller is shipping worldwide apparently, but at this point, I'm not even going to risk 2 weeks to see my hard drive. They'll probably drive up a good excuse for it. Texas based huh? I don't think so. A lot of counterfeit distributors will lie about their location. I've even been scammed out of money once on Amazon where the seller delayed as long as possible until other customers realized they'd been chiseled and started leaving negative feedback. Fortunately Amazon was good about getting my money back to me.

Now let's hope eBay does the same. I've canceled the order within 10 minutes but unfortunately I still have to "wait" to see if the seller can cancel at this time. I don't think they will try to take my money and ship me the drive, but you never know... the worse thing that can happen is me waiting for a product I know is fake to arrive then paying to have it shipped back. Of course, I'd put up a front with eBay and escalate the case first telling them that it is unethical to return a counterfeit and encourage the seller to redistribute it. I've had issues in the past however where the escalated case was stagnated due to the fact that the seller absolutely refused to budge unless I returned the product resulting in a small monetary loss, a headache and an absolute waste of time on my part and the seller? Scot-free and free to resell his counterfeits.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Maggot Baits OP Lyrics

VN: Maggot Baits
Dev: ClockUp

Music: Tomorrow Never Comes - DataScape

Shield my eyes, all I have is emptiness inside
Sands of time are running out, I'm feeling so confined
The future's not so clear, with every moment passing
Theres nothing left to fear, or so they say...

But I could FADE AWAY,
Tomorrow never comes, but that's okay,
If I could SEIZE the day,
I'll hold you in my arms and fade away...

Turn the glass, your future slips into my grasp,
Waste the day, is not an option I can take,
The path is now so clear, make every moment lasting,
There's nothing left to fear, or so you say...

But I could FADE AWAY,
Tomorrow never comes, but that's okay,
If I could SEIZE the day,
I'll hold you in my arms and fade away.

Let me know if any of the lyrics are wrong/out of place! Lyrics were written by ear.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Beat Assassin's Creed III... Finally

To say the least, it was a chore and I won't be buying any more AC titles. It wasn't all that bad, but the hype was not there. Now, I freaking love the Revolutionary War period in American history, but ACIII was just really underwhelming.

I took about 250+ give or take screenshots during my gameplay and thought I'd share them. They will be in two albums although out of order (for whatever reason). Feel free to use them for whatever you like so long as they are unmodified and you credit me in the caption.

I have a full albeit brief review of it on Steam. Look in the negative section.

Hate to admit it, but this shot was breathtaking. At the time, I still had high hopes for the game.

Albums are on Imgur:
Assassin's Creed III Part I

Assassin's Creed III - Part 2

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Most Interesting Umineko Episodes So Far

Lately, I've been trudging through Umineko no Naku Koro ni slowly and asking myself why I'm even bothering to finish it. It reminds me of how old I'm getting. I'm talking about the dry and childish humor is no longer palatable and the pushy manner in which it tried to shove sex down my throat (Battler's remarks at his cousin's chest). Four years ago when I [re]introduced to anime by a friend in high school, I watched Baka to Test which really hit home with my crude sense of humor and the mutual feeling of being young, free and stupid.

I know myself the best for seeing things to the end no matter what (I'm hating FFXIII and ACIII's guts right now but I'm still planning on beating the games because I paid good money for them) so I forged on ahead.

Episode 14 and 15 of Umineko didn't disappoint. In wake of the ensuing game Beatrice plays with Battler, some interesting events unfolds in the episode. I'd like to insert "without spoiling too much of the episode..." but I've been long overdue on finishing the series anyways so I think I'll just go full steam ahead.

First was the introduction of a new character, the old "Beatrice," a regal witch who Beatrice knew as a child (parallel to Maria and Beatrice's relationship as well as Eva and Beatrice's relationship) who bestowed the Endless Witch title on her. They duke it out spectacularly when old Beatrice fights for her title back and ends up dying. Much props to the animators for the scene when she falls down dead. Kind of made go "Wow. She's very dead." This is probably the first scene that illustrated for me how despicable Beatrice is (although I wouldn't have found her mischievously cute and a little dazzling if it weren't for her design) and how terrible the power of the Endless Witch is.

Yep, definitely dead. Terrible. And to add insult to injury, Beatrice takes care to step on her mentor's head.

The "dead" witch later appears to Battler and is introduced as a supporting character (Virgilia? I don't remember what her name was exactly) who has some very intuitive advice for him.

Moving on to Episode 15, Eva and Rosa the Ushiromiya sisters solve Beatrice's riddle on their own and stumble upon the gold. Instead of blowing their heads apart, they negotiate to split the gold between them, but not before Eva claims head of the household. Meanwhile, Beatrice passes on her powers to the "witch inside Eva" her younger persona who Eva claimed supported her as a child in a dazzling ceremony. She gets a witches outfit and Beatrice's name to boot (from thereafter, Beatrice is referred to as Beato) and almost certainly loses her humanity and innocence. Witch Eva now starts sucking the life force out of adult Eva who becomes bedridden with headaches.

She materializes as her adult form in the garden when Rosa and Maria go out to find the flower Beatrice marked in earlier episodes and endlessly tortures and revives the two. I did laugh when Eva creates a giant cake and jello to crush the two in, but winces when they were dropped from miles high in the air and hit the floor -splat- dead. Now there's nothing more pitiful than seeing a little girl cry over her dying mother. When original Beatrice comes by to stop the torture, you can see how noticeably human she becomes. She ends up strangling Maria and impaling Rosa and telling young Eva off about screwing around with her powers as a witch.

Young Eva as a witch.
Overall, wow, what an emotional two episodes. Again, I find most of the child-like humor and the girly cuteness a little bland (by contrast, if Umineko were a western feature, it'd be stark, cold and humorless) but there are those moments in the series like the ones featured in these episodes that really freshen the anime up and make it worth the while.

*As an aside, I absolutely adore the artwork of this series. The slender bodies on the female and the varied poses is quite a relief to see in wake of overused moe-ness in most anime character designs nowadays. I tend not to follow new series'. I'm still waiting for a Cage of Eden anime and even a Baka to Test season 3.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tried "Snow" Today

This game's ragdolling looks painful. As do the controls which I can not for the life of me get the hang of. It's an early access game and has some fairly decent graphics, but all you do is Ski, Ski and Ski. I'm sorry, I had the misconception that it'd be a winter sports game that includes sledding and snowboarding.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fractured Space is Pretty Fun... and It's Free This Weekend

I'm not particularly a fan of space or strategy games but I was compelled to look for a decent multiplayer game for my friends and I as we expand our Youtube channel beyond Airsoft and Insurgenc, Unturned videos. I ended up in an unlikely position: downloading Fractured Space which I just now tried out. The tutorial is extremely well done as it goes over all your keybindings and the basic gist of the game thoroughly. You'll need to set aside some time to finish all three steps in one sitting.

From what I gather, Fractured Space is a MOBA but in its defense (I don't like MOBAs very much. The only one I've played is DOTA 2 which I dropped after 2 games) it employs rather unique features that other MOBAs I know of don't have including jump zones and 3 layers of dimensionality (as opposed to the flat 2D plane of games like League of Legends).

I haven't delved further into the game beyond the tutorial but already I'm hooked and for somene who doesn't play strategy games in general, that is a fat statement.

I've already contacted a few friends about it (of course they said they'd check it out and ultimately it never surfaced in their steam libraries) but I'll be the one having the last laugh when the free weekend ends and they'll have to pay the $10 for the base game which is not bad, but we're talking about friends who were really butthurt about missing the Left 4 Dead 2 free weekend a few years ago.

Don't say I didn't warn ya! (Couple of guys who replied but didn't download it)

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Insurgency - The Beauty of a Photorealistic Shooter

This isn't a formal review or anything on Insurgency but I think our videos on Youtube speak for themselves when it comes to lauding the game for its incredible ultra-realistic gameplay and mechanics and its impressive graphics.

Here is a screenshot from a not yet released Insurgency video I am editing and there was this moment where I felt I could really reach out and touch the AK74 my character is holding. This is nothing like those shiny, plasticky Call of Duty weapons I had spent so many years toying with. I liken these beautiful gun models in Insurgency to my airsoft guns. They're so touch with their real-steel counterparts.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

eXceed 2nd Vampire REX Steam F12 Screenshot Glitch

     Just reporting in to announce a staggering glitch with Steam's F12 screenshotting and eXceed 2nd. For those of you who don't know what eXceed is, it is a bullethell series. Personally, I would recommend eXceed 2nd to people who dislike bullethell games because it is absolutely phenomenal and a lot of fun.

     I grabbed about a dozen screenshots today. Unfortunately they come out like this:

     Like coming home from a vacation to realize all your photos were underexposed or no- that all the people in the photo are gone. Yep, for whatever reason, all the foreground art and the scoreboard and interface has DISAPPEARED in the screenshots! There's probably a workaround for it, but I won't bother since I can easily capture gameplay using OBS instead but wow is this my first time dealing with an issue as staggering as this with Steam's infallible screenshot system.

Youtube Not Allowing You To Monetize Your Video (MUST READ)

Lately, I've noticed that Youtube's been demonetizing a couple of my videos that were actually eligible for monetization when I uploaded them a few days prior.

Notice the crossed out $ signs on the right hand side.

Normally, if there is copyright content match, that would be explicitly stated on each of the rows but in this case, there is no indication of that. The video is still available world wide to the public.

From the actions tab at the top, I tried to monetize the video from there to no avail. Here are the results:

The only descriptor I am left with it "Cannot monetize or set usage policy" which comes in two parts:

     1. The obvious, I can't make money off of it (my own content!)
     2. I can't state licensing. Meaning it is by default set to Youtube's Standard License.

...but it doesn't tell me WHY I cannot monetize my videos.

I did some research on my own time and came across this page:

Okay... now it becomes a little more clear why I can't monetize. There are five types of videos that cannot be monetized and I will relist them briefly here in my own words:
  1. Sexual reference (even partial).
  2. Ones that exhibit violence.
  3. Ones with profanity and strong language.
  4. Promotion of drugs.
  5. Controversial topics (war, tragedy), even making a simple reference.
Right off the bat, I'm going to rule out #1. We don't sell with sex, not even in our thumbnails. Here's a fun fact: a lot of other people do and are making plenty of cash off their videos from click baiting. Youtube needs to crack down on that. #4 promotion of drugs. We don't promote drugs even if we have a member who is a user.

#2 is where we enter the gray area. What constitutes violence? Do violent games fall under this category? I should think not. Plenty of Youtubers make a living from playing violent M-rated games.

I think our video falls under #3 and #5. Let's focus on #3 for now. Think about all those Youtubers out there who swear in their videos, whose videos sell because of their harsh profanities. I'm talking about some of the most popular channels out there that net millions of dollars a year. #3 can't possibly be the reason unless we are believe that there are some double standards going on here.

Which leaves #5. Guilty as charged. We've been playing a game called Insurgency a lot lately on our channel and with the level of realism the game presents, HOW is it feasible that we don't sometimes make references to the wars raging right now?

Here is one of the videos in question. Yep, we make sly references to controversial topics:

Unfortunately policy is policy. Youtube isn't barring us from uploading the video, just making money off of it. In my opinion, that isn't really fair when you consider all the topics Youtube's left out of its policy. Deceptive videos? Click baits? How about 'social experiments' that disrupt public peace? What about videos depicting robbery or vandalism?

And we can't rule out all the videos out there that are monetizing off of copyright content without express written permission. I'm mostly talking about thumbnails that most anyone can take off the internet and use in their videos. Thumbnails sell, just like the cover of a book. It leaves an impression. No one wants to watch a video with a vague thumbnail. There's just not enough hours in a day.

Monday, January 18, 2016

I Took A Piss From My Balcony Tonight

Of all the crazy things I could've done tonight, this one really takes the cake.

Let me start from the beginning. At around 10:30pm, my pals MacMillan, Big Mac and I ended our 5 hours long Skype conversation. MacMillan had the day off but Big Mac joined us after he got off work at around 6:20pm, so naturally, MacMillan and I began by playing Insurgency and talking shit at 5.

Fast forward a few hours. It's 11 and I'm scrubbing down a kettle that I burned dry the other day. It was expensive and my mom bought it for me to replace the pot I had burned dry a few months ago. I remembered reading an article on boiling vinegar and dish soap in it. Well, I just got done boiling the dish soap water because I didn't have vinegar and looked in my fridge. I noticed a sliced lemon and a bag of apricots in the upper shelf and immediately became suspicious. My mom brought me some fruits among other foodstuffs the other week and somehow the lemon and apricots looks familiar. I was ready to accuse my housemate of stealing my food on top of all the other careless things he does like leaving dirty dishes to pile up (when I generously provided a sponge and dish soap) or destroying my baking pan last month.

Instead, I called up my mom and asked if she gave me a lemon last week. She told me to check my section of the fridge, one being the humidity shelves in the lower corner. I opened it and... oh. There were LIMES. Four of them. Somehow my brain had decided that a bag of apricots and a lone lemon were the limes I had received.

I also asked her about the kettle and she told me not to use it anymore in case any chemicals were released (and of course the free radical causing charred parts). I didn't want to believe and kept asking her if she was sure such a high quality and expensive kettle couldn't be saved. She told me not to leave the kitchen next time I was boiling water and I felt really ashamed because this wasn't the first time I destroyed a perfectly good piece of kitchenware.

Moments later, I poured myself a drink and walked out in the balcony. It oversees an overpass, so naturally, it was deafening out there. I still remember the day I moved in, my housemate said it'd be nice to take a smoke and clear our minds on the attic but once he realized how noisy it was, he jokingly remarked that it'd probably do more harm than good to be out there for too long.

Actual picture of the balcony after the piss.

It was dark and it was noisy. I watched a guy walk by on the overpass and the light above him goes out. He was bewildered for a moment before moving on. My urge to pee was getting the best of me and I felt so lost and depressed.

So I said "Fuck it, it's the zombie apocalypse." Anything goes.
And took a leak. I could see the plants below bathed in my golden showers. The smell of urea fills the air. Our balcony was the only one in the rise so people were clear of the stream.

At that moment I felt like I seriously had to take responsibility for my actions, that I needed to be fully conscious during every step of my life and that I need to be prescient with every mistake I make and learn never to repeat it twice. I acknowledged my mistake after the second time I spilled a drink on my laptop and fried the motherboard. I now keep my drinks on a lower level relative to my laptop, no exceptions. I just wish for someone who is so mindful of all his fuck ups that I don't act so careless and stupid half the time.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Fixing Framerate Drop in Exceed Gun Bullet Children

Lately, I reinstalled an old game I acquired a few years ago called eXceed - Gun Bullet Children which by the way, I do not recommend getting. I was greeted with a familiar sub-20 fps, low resolution and forced full screen. While I don't have a solution to the full screen issue (the game is so low res, it is better off played in windowed mode but unfortunately, there's no setting for that in the unmodified base game unlike its sequels). I was able to ail the framerate issue follow Shadow-san's guide.

This screenshot was shot post modification. Notice the framerate at the top left hand corner of the picture although this was the only screenshot I could grab during the session since F12 does not work, it doesn't really do how smooth the gameplay actually was after the modification. The framrate rose to a lofty 50 fps after the enemies started swarming in but was hit by mild lag. Makes me wonder how accurate that fps gauge really is.

After installing the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (the links can be found on the guide), my average framerate rose from 15 to just a little over 50. Not so much a miracle as it is the developer's poorly done job to optimize the game for newer machine.

Here's something cute I noticed on the game's store page. Notice the top left hand corner of the screen captures. About half of them are under 30 fps. It's not a very demanding game. Again, I wouldn't recommend buying it. Even after I made the modification to the game, I only played for about 20 minutes and managed to get to the stage 3 boss before I idled it to collect the card drops.

It's always frustrating when steam releases half-baked games, although this isn't the first time its occurred.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Just stopping by with a little update on what's going on. First on myself, my sinus infection's back thanks to the fact that I stopped taking my meds shortly after it went away. Well shit, now I know why I was told to finish all the pills. So today has been pretty much uneventful since I took a three hour nap in the afternoon after picking up groceries.

Now on to the interesting part. My pals and I are restructuring our Youtube channel. It's been about a month since anything's been posted but the other day, we recorded some footage of us playing Insurgency.

Stop by if you like. Our content isn't for everyone. Our views and RPMs been going down the shitter lately so it'd be nice if we could pick up again. I have a couple more airsoft videos at the ready, but since my maid hard drives where I keep a collection of all our games is at my parents' house, we're just going to shift the name of the game to first person shooters like old times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Use A PS3 Controller With Your PC

Lately I've been playing some triple A gaming titles on steam where simple keyboard and mouse input just don't seem to cut it. Back in the day, I was able to use a program called SCPserver to get a PS3 controller working (I'm a little too stingy to put down the $30-60 for an Xbox 360 or Xbone controller which is also cross compatible with PCs).

I ended up finding this fantastic Instructables Guide by bladez1992. I didn't follow the instructions explicitly because I did it once before on my own so I'll give you an overhead on my condensed version of the installation.

Here is me playing Fallout 3 on my PC using a PS# controller. Notice it is wired.

I am using Windows 8.1 so any restarts that the guide mentions are not required. If you are on any other version of Windows, you will need to download Xbox Controller Drivers from Microsoft's website(google it).

1. Install SCPserver following the link in the guide. You can also find it under my downloads page.
  • You will need to download the latest version and the update.
2. Simply unzip the latest version archive into whichever directory you want.
3. Unzip the update into the same directory and overwrite anything else.
4. Navigate to the directory you saved in(folder) -> ScpServer -> bin -> launch ScpServer.exe.
5. Connect your PS3 controller to any USB port. You can launch any game at this point that supports a gaming controller and play away!

Note: You aren't able to pair your PS3 controller to your PC via bluetooth directly. You need to buy a bluetooth dongle.

And there you have it! A painless and free installation of SCP server that enables you to use your PS3 controller wired to your PC. You will have to launch SCP server every time you want to use your controller.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Steam Card Drops Without Playing The Game! Idle Master

This recent article from PC Gamer came to my attention recently. There's a software out there called Idle Master that runs through your steam library and imitates playtime to get all the game's card drops.

Here's an image from Idle Master's website where you can download the software.

Pretty neat idea for those of you download hundreds of games and don't play them! But for me with just over 50 games in my library, I think I'd rather just play them since I did pay for the bulk of them. Besides, cards are only worth a few cents. But with hundreds of games, you could literally net tens of dollars just farming these card drops.

The best part is Idle Master actually posted its source code for this software on a Github repository. Go open sourcing!

Black Hat

Monday, January 11, 2016

Installing a Cool New Mouse Cursor!

I came across this mouse cursor theme today on deviantArt and figured I try it out. I use Windows 8.1's default cursor which I tend to lose when I move it across my external monitors. This theme is hard to miss. Here is a sample picture included inside the download file.

Here are the steps I took to installing it:
1. First visit Stamga's dA here.
2. Click the download link on the top right hand corner. You don't need to be logged in to dA to do this.
3. Unzip the file where ever you saved it to.
4. Right click the Install.inf and click 'Install' (These instructions are also included in the zipped archive)
5. If you are on Windows 8.1, click the windows icon on your keyboard (left of left-alt) and then type in "Mouse." Click the application 'Mouse' with a generic mouse icon.
6. Go to 'Pointers' tab and change it.


Optionally, you could go into Control Panel and under Hardware do the same thing.

It really is a nice mouse cursor and is hard to miss. Very modernistic and glassy. Good job to Stamga!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Enter The World Of 360 Video - The Future Of Capturing and Sharing Video!

Surprised that I'm learning about the Ricoh Theta S just now! The Theta S has two wide-angle lenses that simultaneously capture footage and connect it into a final product: a panoramic video that you can watch from all angles. It's like being able to turn your head inside a video and see every angle of the scenery. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the future of video shooting and of course, there are many improvements that can be made to it down the line. The best part is that it is also Youtube supported (in certain browsers like Chrome) meaning you can play back the video and users can interact with it!

Check out one of Ricoh's official demo videos I embedded below. You'll notice the quality of the video isn't great. This technology is young. Youtube compresses its flat videos already so imagine how demanding a 360 video is... and how large the files must be. It has much to be desired but we can look forward to sharper video in the future:

I discovered this camera from one of Techmoan's latest reviews on it. He demonstrates the camera and how to use it optimally brilliantly. Like he mentions in the video, the playback quality on Youtube is poor, so go ahead and watch the bits of him interacting with some footage he shot that he loads and plays directly on his computer. The quality of the panoramic video and stills is quite decent.

Finally, you can find the Ricoh Theta S on Amazon following this link for a little less than $350 as of today. Really neat camera in my opinion and worth the investment if you (like me) are into capturing everything around you. Don't forget to pick up a monopod!

Black Hat

Friday, January 8, 2016

So I Watched A Shitty Anime Called "Dakara Boku Wa G Ga Dekinai"

I think my respect for anime has been on the decline over the last three years, so watching Dakara Boku wa G ga Dekinai or So, I Can't Play H in English was just the frosting on the cake. I'm going to say from the start of the review that I watched all of Episode 1 and am dropping it.

The story as it appear,s is one of those typical [insert idiotic male character] + [insert flimsy story line about shinigami (death gods)] + [insert sexualized high school girls to sell shitty series]. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate ecchi, but decent ones are far and few between.

The main character, Ryosuke Kaga is a forgettable character with tendencies to think aloud. His father is dead, and his mother works abroad so he lives alone. He is also one of those typical high school pervert characters (Come on, do they really think every guy who watches this show is going to sympathize with that?) and coupled with his think-aloud personality if you could even go as far as to call it one, he manages to freak out girls at his school.

The only person tolerant of his scummy personality is the girl next door. Ryosuke is characterized as sensitive and caring as well, but immediately loses credibility with this scene when he bumps into a girl outside his house:

What a scumbag.

The next couple scenes are as follows:
1. Lisara sucks some sort of energy from Kyosuke who falls unconscious.
2. Lisara takes a shower (Shower scene)
3. Kyosuke eventually comes to and Lisara reveals she is a shinigami.
4. Fight scene with a shittily designed blob monster.

Lisara goes fully nude in one scene and generates a scythe and a flashy outfit out of nowhere. Like we haven't seen that a million times already. Kypsuke makes a cheap shot at humor by complaining about how she's tearing up his house and that his mother hasn't paid off the mortgage yet.

This one of the many [insert ecchi here] scene, another cheap shot to sell the series. Kyosuke comes to Lisara's rescue after the blob monster gratuitously tears up her clothing and ends up with two handfuls of funbags. Talk about sexual gratuity though. It's like I'm watching a porno that just won't get to the point. Or how about an episode of Jersey Shore?

Listen, I like my share of sex in anime as much as the next guy, but if I really wanted to get off, I think I'd just go watch a real hentai that doesn't pretend its some sort of innovative story about grim reaper girls, perverted high school boys and badass explosive fight scenes. Actually, this show doesn't think its one of those. It works off a "working idea" according to the studio Feel idiots in the drawing room who decided to adapt the light novel or manga into an anime. I am still feeling animosity towards them for butchering the second season of Oregairu one of my favorite underrated shows of all time.

At this point, I didn't really care how the fight wrapped up but in the wreckage of Kyosuke's house and in the rain, he and Lisara have a short confrontation. She explains to him that she was looking for some sort of one in a million genius who's energy she could take by making a contract with, blah blah blah.  The best part was when Lisara reveals that Kyosuke is going to die in three months. Although he probably won't because the series will turn out to have that underlying "let's go and change fate" themes.

The only character I like was Caesar the German Shepherd the most pointless character in the show because I don't tend to see a lot of dogs in ecchi, but again its obvious he was just another frill to the author. I also find it stupid that he couldn't have been named after something easier to pronounce because Kypsuke's girl-next-door friend pronounces his name as "Kaiser."

In the end, I can't recommend this atrocity of a show called "So I Can't Play H" which is a pretty stupid sounding name, but surprisingly fitting for such a poor sellout of a show (1/10 for story, 1/10 for characters), but if you are into a tit-fest with no direction in the story (essentially, a porno with no real sex scenes) then fire away.

I was pretty scathing in my review because I actually considered that the artwork was decent (7/10). I was thinking this entire time, 'poor animators and artists with their below average salaries who put considerable work into such a shoddy show!' 

I'm going to recommend a good ecchi because the direction of the story is clean and to the point and sets up a conflict that is unique because it doesn't try to use working ideas as a stepping stone. Go watch Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu if you haven't already.

Black Hat

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I Looked In The Mirror Today And Saw White Hairs On My Unshaven Face

So I haven't been shaving lately. Incidentally, I haven't been flossing either. For those of you who are really tight-assed about personal hygiene, get over it. I'm one of the biggest hygiene freaks I know and there is a huge difference between flossing once a week and never flossing at all (my roommate and housemate don't believe in floss). That said, tonight was the first time where I found myself inches away, face to face with my mirror image. And then I noticed the hairs. I thought it was the glare of the light, but nope, I definitely have sprouted two strands of pure white hair. Akin to cat whiskers. I'm only 20 but damn do I feel old!

No pictures I'm afraid because of the low lighting in my apartment. Admittedly, my body's been under stress for two weeks now mainly because I caught a bad head cold for two weeks starting Christmas eve that ruined my holiday with family. And then there's the stress that comes with unemployment. I've been writing my book in the meantime and have a bit of writer's block setting in. I haven't written in weeks since finals last quarter through the beginning of the new year when I was still sick.

Anyhow, I've gotten over much of the stress (sore throat came back last night but otherwise, I'm healthy) and I'm patiently waiting to hear back from employers. Yes, I do plan on going back to school in the Spring and that's because I've actually reflected on how much I appreciated the struggle school has given me. Now that I'm on the other side where I don't have the weight of school or employment on my shoulders, my hobbies like drawing and writing seem... less significant. It's hard to explain but I relate school to an old nemesis and my creativity as a weapon of rebellion. Without an enemy to battle, my weapon has no use. Then all purpose is lost. That is why I've decided to suck it up and go back to school in the spring.

A wise man once told me that I shouldn't rush things. Like my book. Sure, I've been writing it for a couple of years now, but is it really imperative to publish before I graduate (I'm guessing I will be 22 or 23 by then)? Is it life-threatening to publish in my late twenties or even sometime in my thirties? I guess not. I feel old, but I could not be less immature. I really need to take things down a notch. So my life goals have changed all of a sudden and I'd be happy to walk off with a piece of paper called my Bachelor's of Science and go out into the world to look for a job.

I jumped the gun on my big plan for the rest of my life, on dropping out of school to pursue my passions. I thought I had a plan, but I ended up in a world of uncertainties. It all stems from missing out on a lot growing up. I was not likable in school. I let a lot of people walk all over me. I ended up hating the system. And in the end, I was the one who got hurt because I thought I could live outside of its rules.

When spring comes, I'm changing all of that. I'm going back to school and I'm going in with the same attitude I had in my freshman year when I dusted off my slate and said "Here's to new beginnings! This time, I'm not going to fuck up. I'm going to make up for those lost high school years. I'm going to reach for the top at the university. I'm going to kick academia's ass."

Black Hat

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Airsoft Laws In California 2016 (Must Read!)

So I stumbled across this article on the new SB-199 bill that passed. I am well aware of the bill and its terms, but I liked the picture Popular Airsoft included since it depicts where coloring should be applied in compliance with the law well:

Now in the case of the rifle, you only need two of: stock, grip, magazine. The sample rifle in the picture show all three colored for reference.

A lot of people have been asking under which circumstances should you need to tape up your guns. It is the same as the circumstances in which you should keep the orange tip on: during transportation, sale and probably some public airsoft fields. In the privacy of your own home or in a private field (away from view from public space) taking off the tape should be fine.

These measures taken are inane at best but scores of idiots have managed to have run-in with law enforcement because they openly carry their gun in public areas. Bottom line is: please don't ruin it any more for the rest of us. Carry it in a case when traveling through public space and don't throw away the orange tips. Keeping a roll of fluorescent tape around has been added to that list.

Oh and I actually taped two of my airsoft guns up with homemade gold tape for sport (although they rarely leave the house and have never been used in public fields). Both have their orange tips intact (not shown in picture). They are rifles so taping the grip, trigger guard and girth of the magazines is sufficient.

       Left: Custom Black Ops M4 Cobra with nylon fiber rails and stock taken from a Gameface rifle.                              Right: unmodified Elite Force M4

Remember kids, play responsibly.

Kind Regards,
Black Hat